Search results

  1. ITsKleon

    Forum Giveaway Search Number

    Heyo, just an idea that may help with forum giveaways, especially for anyone attempting to join in towards the end. Being able to search to see which number hasn't already been voted for is quite challenging and could cause issues for you during giveaways too, adding a syntax such as Number# or...
  2. ITsKleon

    Introduction - Azayzels / ITsKleon

    Hey everyone, how's it going, My name is Kleon and I'm 27, I usually go by Azayzel/Az or ITsKleon, I live in Australia and was born in Israel/Palestine with a Greek/Aussie background. Fun fact I only met one other person named Kleon once, and he was on Runescape lol. I used to play Runescape a...