Search results

  1. C

    20m 07 forum roll!

    29 RSN: PancakeDaDog Ty!
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    Looking for someone who can do some quests for me

    Honestly, I really like this guy on yt who does real time quest guides. It basically takes 2x video length (for me at least) to watch, then do. No point dealing with acc info and extra money spent.
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    🤑500M 07 Giveaway Ends 31th March🤑

    #9 por favor
  4. C

    Does anyone do those dungeonering services anymore?

    idk if this is still a thing, but back in the day people used to like speedrun dungeons for others for money. If anyone here would do it, I'd be willing to pay.
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    Your lucky drop party day, which one was the best? In RS.

    I won the 200 mil forum roll the first time I was here so I've been here ever since
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    What else to do as a F2p?

    I'd try to get most f2p skills like cooking, woodcutting/firemaking, mining and smithing to like 60, then you can do a bunch of membership stuff. but if I'm cutting trees literally to just burn that, I can just do that as f2p. Fishing is kinda annoying to as f2p though but doable
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    🤑23M 07 Giveaway Choose Number between 1-100 to ENTER🤑

    50 rsn pancakedadog
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    🤑500M 07 Giveaway Ends 15th March

    97 rsn PancakeDaDog
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    🤑2147M RS3 Giveaway Ends 15th March

    97 rsn PancakeDaDog
  10. C


    Hi all, my name is Ryan. I played a while ago back until the time of the eoc/rs3. Came back not too long ago. You can add me at PancakeDaDog