Introduction - Azayzels / ITsKleon

Mar 3, 2023
Hey everyone, how's it going, My name is Kleon and I'm 27, I usually go by Azayzel/Az or ITsKleon, I live in Australia and was born in Israel/Palestine with a Greek/Aussie background.
Fun fact I only met one other person named Kleon once, and he was on Runescape lol.

I used to play Runescape a long time ago when I was a kid, according to Hans I've spent 109 days in the world and arrived 5,823 days ago!
My old original account got hacked and I made this cutie and ended up quitting in early highschool days, then started playing WoW and raiding and what not and ended up quitting during Shadowlands.
Since then I've mainly been gaming casually and thought I'd pick up RS3 for a chill game in the evenings, I think I came back about 3-4 months ago.
Nice to meet you all.